Where the inside of my mind leaks onto the screen.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Family Rule

Impulsively, I swung the car door open and started to climb.  I wanted a better vantage point from which to photograph our project.  Admittedly, I didn't expect the door to complete its swing to fully open, leaving me a bit suspended between the main frame and door handle.  (The picture above is a recreation; I imagine the actual event included a far more surprised expression.)  Alex and Adam immediately offered unsolicited advice, but a very authoritative voice stopped them in their tracks.

"No," stated Dylan emphatically, though not without compassion. "Family rule."

I stared in surprise, though I knew exactly what he'd say next - the same words he's heard me explain to him and helpful bystanders many times. 

"Whatever she climbs up, she has to climb down on her own."  

The boys' silence was as complete as that of the empty street surrounding us. They weren't certain whether to laugh, to agree, or to come to my aid.  But Dylan wasn't done.

"Let Mom have a taste of her own medicine." The two bigger boys immediately backed down as if the king had spoken, Dylan rising as the confident new leader of the pride.

And I got down on my own.