Where the inside of my mind leaks onto the screen.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

So Much for Not Climbing

Janene, I feel like our boys are having some weird sort of a contest to see whose Mom will post the most pics of them sleeping in weird places (under the bed, in the closet, etc). So I've got to go to bat for Alex here, who found a whole new place yesterday.

Keep in mind that this was about 2 hours after I rearranged his whole room hoping that it would get him to stop climbing his dresser to get to the light switch. I guess now he just climbs his dresser to find a soft place to sleep.


Kris said...

Perhaps you should invest in a bunk bed. ;-)

carizolli said...

Oh my goodness, Andrea! That is hilarious! What a cutie. Corbin is a climber too!

Nene said...

I do believe you take the cake with this one! I can't stop laughing!

Rebecca and Nick said...

I hope those are sturdy dressers.
that would be a sad way to wake up if the drawer fell out or dresser tipped over!

Rebecca and Nick said...

but very cute picture!

coryshay said...

That is the funniest thing I have ever seen...I would totally not care though if my little one was just asleep (wherever she lands!)

Sarah said...

Wow...brave climber...and crazy sleeper!
Is he quiet when getting into such mischief?
I guess he is getting his nap in, though, right?!?