I went to a cousin's wedding over the weekend and was surprised to find that almost no one even knew I was pregnant. I was not in any way offended or upset, but I did find it interesting. I think it's mainly due to 3 factors. 1) I haven't seen much of the Nelson family since I was about 11 weeks pregnant and
almost ready to start announcing the pregnancy. 2) I have about 40 cousins on this side of the family (seriously), and my 3rd pregnancy just doesn't really rate at the top of the "interesting news" list. Way too many weddings, 1st babies, farewells, homecomings, graduations, etc. This is totally fine, by the way. I've had my share of days in the spotlight. 3) I haven't really been talking about it much. With two kids of my own plus two nephews living with us, my pregnancy just really hasn't been the center of my universe. Its not like with Adam when being pregnant pretty much defined life and it was all about the new baby. This time, pregnant is just something that I happen to be, much like hungry, or tired, and most of the time, I can't afford to let being "pregnant" get in the way of being "mommy."
Anyway, today, I'm going to take a second to actually talk about being pregnant. I've reached 27 weeks, which means I have only 12 left because I will be induced a week early (thanks to my previous track record of growing large babies). Instead of thinking in terms of weeks, though, I prefer to think of it this way. I have 2-3 camping trips, 2 trips to Idaho, one birthday, 5 weeks of getting into the fall school routine, 3 sizes of kids clothes to clean and stock in dressers (Adam needs to move to 5's, Alex to 3T, and baby's room needs to be stocked with 0-3 months), not to mention restarting ward choir, catching up on scrapbooking, making Halloween costumes (because having a baby in October is going to make Halloween come really quickly), and a whole bunch of other projects. I'm pretty sure these last 12 weeks will FLY by!
Unfortunately, though, I failed my glucose test, which means I have to go back in for the 4 hour test which consists mainly of fasting, drinking gross orange stuff, and having blood drawn several times. Ugh. Also, according to my nurse Cindy, my iron is "super low" (29, apparently), which means I got to pull out the left over iron supplements I used during the other pregnancies and finish out the pregnancy on 3 iron pills a day. Neither of these is a surprise, though. I failed the glucose test and had low iron with both Adam and Alex.
Anyway, I'm still going strong, I'm enjoying life and the pregnancy, and I can't wait to get this baby here so he can move up to the top of the priority list and I can start losing sleep for better reasons than heartburn and severe discomfort. Bring it on!