Where the inside of my mind leaks onto the screen.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Quarantine Questionnaire

What a lovely idea my friend Sunny had to chronicle all the "fun" we're having!

Who are you with? David (41), Adam (15), Alex (13), Dylan (10), and Jake the dog.

Work situation? "Distance learning" - which means teaching via packets and email.  I get to do it from my living room, mostly, with a few check-ins in the classroom each week.

Cooking or ordering in? Cooking 20 meals a week and buying 1, very intentionally to support the local economy. The kids are sick of my doomsday meal planning which means we eat whatever is about to go bad, whether we were in the mood or not.

Watching? Next to nothing! I don't watch TV, and I am very proud the pandemic hasn't caused me to start. I did stream a local production of Newsies! and it was awesome.

Reading? I read the book Dylan was assigned for distance learning, The Twenty-One Balloons.  I really liked it!

Listening? Whatever Dave plays.  And the kids arguing in the background.

Gaming? We have a running leader board for a nightly board game going on.  So far, we've played Power Grid, Splendor, and Dominion. We've also been playing silly games for PE including Pingo Pingo and Throw, Throw Burrito (our own improvised PE edition).

House: Tidy. I have nothing else to do.  But I really appreciate that the kids have been doing their fair share with chore charts and 7-minute group cleans.

How are you feeling?  It varies. Sometimes GREAT. Like, kind of on top of the world because we are sometimes so crazy that my dopamine is off the charts.  Sometimes AWFUL.  My brain won't stop.  I can't meet the needs.  I can't solve the problems.  I can't sleep.  I don't have very much "meh."  I am "blah" until I decide to change it.  Then I am buzzed until I come down.  Then I am "blah" again.  It is honestly exhausting.

Sanity saving strategies? Popcorn dates in the basement cafe (okay, it's two recliners near an end table), walks without the kids, and writing my thoughts down

Socializing at a distance? TBH, I kind of always socialize at a distance. But turning down invites from the people I do love to see (Logan and my sisters) is just about killing me. As for the kids, the distance is killing the 15-year-old who recently became interested in girls (and one in particular).

Are you rationing toilet paper? Nope. As the only girl in the house, I feel that it is all mine.  Everyone else can deal with the repercussions.

What are you worried about running out of? Batteries. The x-box controllers need to be fed frequently, and I didn't stock up on that.  And I am terrified of a disruption in the supply chain for Alex's ADHD medication.

Learning anything new? Confidence in my ability as a more traditional mother.

How are you sleeping? Not well. I'm not worn out at night, and my brain isn't getting fed enough interesting information to quietly lull itself to sleep.  I also wake up poorly; I wrote a different blog about that aspect.

Getting ready or why bother? Every day. It is completely necessary to my mental health.  First world problem, I know, but my lack of a basic casual wardrobe has been a problem for me.  I get my energy from my outfit, but I only own my business clothes and my pajamas.  Right now, I need something cute that I can do teacher videos in but also clean the bathroom in.  I lack this attire.

Shows/vacations/plans canceled? I did not get to take Alex to Dear Evan Hansen on his 13th birthday.  I doubt I will get to take Adam to the Dodger's game I bought tickets for over Memorial Day.  And I am currently taking the first steps to cancel my honeymoon to New Zealand.  The wedding plans themselves should hopefully be minimally impacted since we were planning super small anyway.

School at home? For sure. I set up the front room as "NPA," the school Alex and Dylan attend.  I even stole the clock from my actual classroom.  We have a computer lab and all the paper and pencils we need.  Their teachers send packets of work, and Alex's junior high teachers also offer extra support online.  The dining room doubles as Cyprus High School where Adam manages his online requirements more or less independently.  He spends time on Zoom conferences and in Google classroom, so we dedicate one computer just for him.  I set school hours (9-11 am and 1-3 pm) which are to be used for educational purposes even if they run out of things sent by their teachers.  Anything not finished in those hours becomes homework.

Fitness routine or putting on the covid 19? I use my Fitbit to make sure I walk 10,000 steps every day.  This is actually DOWN from the 15,000 that is pretty typical for me on a school day.  I have had to set very strict eating parameters as being a teacher has robbed me of self control.  At school, I never have time to eat, and I only have access to what I bring.  So at home, I pack my breakfast and lunch just like I would have for school, and I eat only those things.  So far, I'm avoiding the covid-19.

Bad quarantine habits? Too much facebook.  It brings me down.  I know it does.  But I can't stop.

Best part of quarantine? All the family memories. The simplification of my schedule. The forced reset.

When this is over, I can’t wait to... be busy again.

This has made me appreciate... all the things my kids get from school besides an education. Policy makers who have the impossible task of weighing all the things. Decisive leaders who are willing to take responsibility for the consequences of their choices. My own imagination; I'd go crazy without it.