Where the inside of my mind leaks onto the screen.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Frozen in Time

The other day, I was talking to my mom about how Adam has always been partial to Kirk and Alex has always leaned more toward me, but that we didn't yet know if Dylan had a preference.  She smiled and said, "Well, Kirk can have Adam, and you can have Alex, and I'll just take Dylan."  Of course Grandma loves them all, but Dylan has always been more cuddly and has not yet joined team "Uncle Jack," so he makes his Grandma feel a little bit more special.

One Friday when I went out to work for my dad, Grandma was out front sitting on the swing and preparing her Sunday School lesson.  I went and sat Dylan beside her, and there he sat for nearly an hour, content to just... be.

I love a truly candid picture - one that the subjects had no idea was being taken.  And I love that the special bond between Grandma and Dylan is now frozen in time.