Where the inside of my mind leaks onto the screen.

Friday, October 19, 2007


My last class on Monday was a really great group of 4th graders. Okay, usually, they are a really great group. On Monday they had a substitute teacher, and apparently aliens invaded their classroom or something. Although the students in front of me looked like my sweet, on-the-ball, focused 4th graders, their behavior begged to differ.

Well, after their regular teacher arrived, a bundle of letters appeared in my box. These letters said things like:

Monday was a very bad day. ** We didn't pay attention to you when you tried to keep on teaching us our dance. ** We should've been more respectful to you. ** We promise to listen because we want to do the best program and know our songs. ** I promise that I won't do that again and I will change my attitude. ** I will pay attention in class and will also be rational when we do new steps to our music. ** Some other things I could do is stop talking in class. ** I'll listen, pay attention, and sing my heart out for the rest of the year. ** I am very sorry for wasting your time to teach us and sorry for speaking when you were teaching us. ** I now understand the problem, and it will never happen again. ** If we don't pay attention, we really won't have a program. ** I will respect you and my classmates. ** I will never ever do this again.

Since I received these notes, the aliens have returned to their spaceship, and I was graced with the presence of respectful 4th graders today. Yeah!